"Touch Me In The Morning" is the story of "Coney Island McGuire" a "change of life baby" son of an a...
Winner of the Tromadance/Kodak Independent Soul Award, Giuseppe Andrews’ Dribble is a short film set...
In this third volume of the Best of Tromadance, viewers can sample fifteen of the best films from th...
Two elderly criminals spend their final night in Los Angeles, California at the Golden Eagle Hotel p...
While the rest of America slept, DIY filmmaker/musician Giuseppe Andrews has made over 30 experiment...
Wiggly Harris is a volunteer worker at a senior citizen's home. Due to his obsession with stealing w...
An artist named Poo paints chicken pot pies with the excrement of homeless people. With the help of ...
Trailer Town is a unique motion picture experience, truly unlike anything you've seen before. A sexu...
Following multiple plotlines with an unique assortment of tragicomic characters living along the Ven...
60 year old widow and cystic fibrosis sufferer Daisy (Gayle Wells) hooks up with crack addicted lone...
“Two wannabe ‘gangsta’ white boys share a trailer – and a case of squirrel-influenced stomach flu. A...
Nothing more than a simple set up – four of Andrews’ company getting smashed in a seedy hotel room –...
Material from this film (as well as other sequences previously shot but never used in other films) w...